How Expensive is Radio Advertising?

Wondering how expensive it is to advertise on the radio?

The question is of “How expensive is radio advertising?”, Is quite honestly the equivalent of asking “What does food cost to the grocery store?”.radio advertising costs

There is no absolute answer to that question.

Before random ballpark figures are simply thrown out there, we really need to identify where and when you’re wanting to advertise. Also take a look at the goals of the radio campaign.

Solid radio campaigns can be built on any realistic budget.

Small campaigns may be in the $2000 – $5000 area in total, while large more expansive campaigns can run in excess of $10,000 depending on the details of where the campaign is running and on what stations.

Does this mean that the campaigns in lower price ranges are ineffective?

No, not at all.

It simply means that it would reach fewer people than a larger more expansive campaign.

In smaller markets lower figures as described above could support a major and expansive campaign. In larger markets, it would not go as far.

If the audience is targeted and qualified, reaching a smaller group of people can still be incredibly effective. I can help you identify ways of doing this.

In order to get an idea of what radio advertising would cost in your individual situation, we need to discuss key details of the market you’re looking to reach, how frequently you may need to reach them, and what the cost of airtime on the stations in your area are going for.

Only then can we develop a strategy and get you an accurate idea on total price for radio advertising.

I would be happy to help you do this. Simply pick up the phone and give me a call (231)468-9972 or fill out the contact form below.

I will make the time to learn about your situation and provide you with a detailed analysis and options estimate sheet to answer the question of “What radio advertising costs” for your specific situation – Free of Charge!



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What Will Radio Advertising Cost?

The most common question asked of me “What does radio advertising cost?”.

In order to accurately answer the question of “how expensive is radio advertising?” We need to take a look at the factors around the campaign in question.

There are three major factors that will determine average pricing of the radio campaign.

  1. The size of the market(s) you want to advertise in.
  2. The ratings of the station(s) your radio commercial airs on.
  3. The time of day your radio ads are allowed to play.

Solid radio campaigns can be built on any realistic budget.

They key being “realistic”.

Small campaigns typically start in the $2000 – $5000 area in total in a smaller market, while large more expansive campaigns can easily run in excess of $10,000 in a large market on highly rated stations.

Q: What is the difference between these campaigns?
A: The amount of people you will be reaching.

The key to any successful campaign is reaching an individual frequently. You can have an incredibly successful campaign with an audience of 5000 people when the commercial is aired frequently. On the same note, you can have an incredibly unsuccessful campaign to an audience of 1 million people if the ad is aired infrequently.

Success of the radio campaign does not always equates to audience size, it equates to the frequency in which a set audience hears your ad.

What we do is identify what size audience can you afford to advertise to frequently.

If your budget supports airing to a massive audience on a frequent basis, we would explore options in that area. However if the budget does not support airing to a massive audience, yet supports advertising to a solid medium or even small audience on a frequent basis, we can build your campaign with these target audiences, and in time help you leverage the business that comes in from that starting point to eventually reach a larger audience (when it is financially attainable)


The details of a radio campaign that my fit you best will be determined by the market you’re looking to reach, how frequently you may need to reach them, and what the cost of airtime on the stations tend to be.

I would be happy to help you do this. Simply pick up the phone and give me a call (231)468-9972 or fill out the contact form below.

I will make the time to learn about your situation and provide you with a detailed analysis and options estimate sheet to answer the question of “What radio advertising costs” for your specific situation – Free of Charge!



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